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Next cruise navigation course in Croatia in June


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How, where and how long does it take to learn to sail?

The knowledge acquired in the Spanish nautical qualification courses is imminently theoretical and is not at all sufficient to skipper a pleasure boat. Especially when it comes to sailing.  

The MRCY Baiona school in collaboration with Julio Verne Náutica offers you a week long navigation course in Croatia were we will mix training, tourism and adventure.

Croatia, “the Mediterranean how it used to be”

Sailing in Croatia is a unique experience that one should have the pleasure to discover at least once in the lifetime. The Adriatic Sea bathes the coasts from Croatia. Moderate winds, warm temperatures, turquoise waters, thousands of protected moorings and ports with a millennial charm, immaculately preserved, will make our navigation a true pleasure.

The other great attraction of this region is nature. The Croatian coast and its islands are among the most sinuous in the world, and it is one of the best ecologically preserved areas in Europe. A treasure of natural riches with 4,300 plant species and a similar number of animal species.


Course syllabus

The course is focused on skippers and crewto increase their confidence and security to enjoy a sailing yacht.

  • Skippers, trained to sail with their crew safely and enjoying it.
  • Crew members,seeking to be a competent helping hand on board and being able to work as a team with the skipper.

The skipper and crew positions will roatate among the students and the skippers will have to make all decisions throughout the 24 hours of the day.

Each day will have a theoretical part, a lot of practice and also moments to enjoy the landscape. The course syllabus is:. The course syllabus is:

  • Travel planning
  • Navigation
  • Life on board
  • Skippering and crew management
  • Solving problems and adversities on
  • Mooring techniques


Is there a recommended minimum level?

It is recommended that students know the basic nomenclature on board, are able to steer a course in different directions and in moderate weather conditions, and finally, that they are accustomed to the basic maneuvers on board.


How can I sign up?

If you need more information, have any questions, or want to sign up for the course, you can contact us through our contact section, write to us directly at, or call +34 683 499 448.


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